Historisches globales Treibhausgasemissionsabkommen unterzeichnet in Kigali Ein historisches globales Klimaabkommen wurde in Kigali, Ruanda, auf der achtundzwanzigsten Tagung der Vertragsparteien des Montrealer Protokolls über Stoffe, die zum Abbau der Ozonschicht führen (MOP28), erreicht. Der so genannte Kigali-Änderungsantrag, der das Montrealer Protokoll von 1987 ändert, zielt darauf ab, Fluorkohlenwasserstoffe (HFC), eine Familie von starken Treibhausgasen, bis Ende der 2040er Jahre auszuschalten. Gemäß Kigali-Abänderung haben sich in allen 197 Ländern, einschließlich Indien, auf einen Zeitplan geeinigt, um die Verwendung von H-FKW um etwa 85 ihrer Basislinien bis 2045 zu reduzieren. HFC sind eine Familie von Treibhausgasen (GHGs), die weitgehend in Kältemitteln im Haushalt, Auto-Klimaanlagen und Luftsprays etc. Diese werkseigenen Gase hatten CFCs im Rahmen des Montrealer Protokolls von 1987 ersetzt, um die zerbrechliche schützende Ozonschicht der Erde zu schützen und das Ozonloch über der Antartica zu heilen. WHO veröffentlicht globalen Tuberkulosebericht 2016 Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) veröffentlichte den Global Tuberculosis Report 2016, in dem hervorgehoben wird, dass die Länder viel schneller bewegen müssen, um Tuberkulose (TB) zu verhindern, zu erkennen und zu behandeln, um globale Ziele zu erreichen. Der Bericht hebt die erheblichen Ungleichheiten zwischen den Ländern hervor, die es TB ermöglichen, auf bestehende kosteneffektive Diagnose - und Behandlungseingriffe zuzugreifen, die den Rückgang der Tuberkulose weltweit beschleunigen können. Während die Bemühungen zur Reaktion auf TB mehr als 3 Millionen Leben im Jahr 2015 gespeichert, aber TB Belastung ist eigentlich höher als zuvor geschätzt, was die Umfrage Daten aus Indien. Sechs Länder machten 60 Prozent der Gesamtbelastung aus, wobei Indien die Hauptlast traf, gefolgt von Indonesien, China, Nigeria, Pakistan und Südafrika. Drei Länder tragen die Hauptlast von MDR-TB-India, China und der Russischen Föderation 8211, die zusammen fast die Hälfte aller Fälle weltweit ausmachen. Russland amp Die Türkei vereinbart, die militärischen, intelligenten Kontakte zu intensivieren Russland und die Türkei haben vereinbart, militärische und intelligente Kontakte zu intensivieren. Sie haben auch über die Notwendigkeit der Hilfe, um die nördliche syrische Stadt Aleppo zu bekommen vereinbart. Die Entscheidung wurde in diesem Zusammenhang getroffen, nachdem der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan, der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin, am Rande des Weltkongresses für Energie in Istanbul getagt hatte. Die beiden Länder haben auch einen Deal unterzeichnet, um zwei TurkStream-Gaspipelines zu bauen, um russisches Gas unter dem Schwarzen Meer in die Türkei zu schicken. Die Türkei wird eine Pipeline für ihren Inlandsverbrauch verwenden und die andere wird Südosteuropa liefern und die Ukraine umgehen. Frankreich wird erstes Land, um Plastikbecher und - platten zu verbieten Frankreich ist das erste Land in der Welt geworden, um Wegwerfplastikbecher und - platten zu verbieten. Das Land hat im September 2016 ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das im Januar 2020 in Kraft treten wird. Das Gesetz verlangt, dass alle Einweggeschirr aus 50 biologisch geförderten Materialien hergestellt werden, die zu Hause kompostiert werden können. Diese Zahl wird bis zum Januar 2025 steigen. Die Maßnahme ist eine Ergänzung zu Frances Energy Transition für Green Growth Act, ein weitreichendes Gesetz, das im Jahr 2015 mit dem Ziel der Abschwächung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels angenommen wurde. WHO erklärt Region des Amerikas als Masern frei Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation, eine spezialisierte Agentur der Vereinten Nationen hat die Region des Amerikas als Measles frei erklärt. Mit diesem wurde die Americas die erste in der Welt, Masern, eine virale Krankheit, die schwere gesundheitliche Probleme, einschließlich Lungenentzündung, Blindheit, Hirnschwellung und sogar Tod verursachen können eliminiert haben. Kuba, Russland unterzeichnen Abkommen über friedliche nukleare Zusammenarbeit Russland und Kuba haben ein Abkommen über die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der friedlichen Nutzung der Atomenergie unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarung wurde zwischen der russischen staatlichen Atombehörde Rosatom und dem Kubas Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Technologie und Umwelt in Wien unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarung wurde am Rande der International 60th Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference in Wien, der Hauptstadt von Österreich abgehalten. Der Deal legt die Grundlage für die weitere Zusammenarbeit in verschiedenen Bereichen von der Landwirtschaft bis zur Ausbildung von Nuklear-Spezialisten. Typhoon Megi Hits Taiwan Der kraftvolle Taifun Megi hat vor kurzem Insel-Nation Taiwan mit Winde bis zu 230 kmhr getroffen, die schwere Regenfälle verursachen und schädliche Winde auslösen. Es entspricht dem tropischen Zyklon der Kategorie 4. Pakistan-Versammlung übergibt Heiratsurkunde, die Hindu-Frauenrechte schützt Pakistans unteres Parlament des Parlaments hat eine Grenzmarke verabschiedet, die die hinduistischen Minderheitenangelegenheiten über die Registrierung der Ehen anspricht, die für Maßnahmen erforderlich ist, die zum Schutz der Rechte der Frauen dienen. Der Gesetzentwurf wird sich mit anderen Schlüsselthemen der hinduistischen Gemeinschaft befassen, einschließlich Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Scheidungen und erzwungenen Konvertierungen. Kolumbien, FARC-Zeichen Historischer Pakt, der 52-jährigen Bürgerkrieg beendete Die kolumbianischen Govt und linken FARC (Revolutionäre Streitkräfte von Kolumbien) Rebellen haben eine historische Vereinbarung unterzeichnet, die formal ein Ende zu 52 Jahren des Bürgerkrieges bringt. Das Abkommen wurde unterzeichnet von Präsident Juan Manuel Santos und Rebellenführer Timoleon Jimenez, bekannt als Timochenko bei der Zeremonie in Cartagena. Im Rahmen des Abkommens wird die FARC als politische Partei neu gestartet und wird im Stande sein, Wahlen, die im Oktober 2016 geplant sind, zu bestreiten. Revolutionäre Streitkräfte von Kolumbien (FARC) ist Kolumbias größte Rebellengruppe und lateinamerikanische älteste linke Flügel Aufstand. UNSC genehmigt Resolution zur globalen Umsetzung CTBT zur Verurteilung von Nuklearwaffenuntersuchungen Der Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen (UNSC) hat eine Resolution angenommen, die eine rasche weltweite Umsetzung des umfassenden Nuklear-Test-Ban-Vertrags (CTBT) fordert, um Tests auf Atomwaffen zu untersagen. Die Entschließung hat die Fortschritte bei der Vereinheitlichung des Vertrags mit 14 Ja-Stimmen und 1 Enthaltung (Ägypten) begrüßt. Die CTBT verbietet alle nuklearen Explosionen für zivile und militärische Zwecke. Sie wurde von der UNGA gemäß Resolution 50 (1996) angenommen. Der Vertrag tritt 180 Tage nach dem Tag der Hinterlegung der Ratifikationsurkunden in Kraft. Bisher haben 183 Länder das CTBT unterzeichnet und 166 Staaten haben ihre Ratifikationsurkunden hinterlegt. 193 Länder unterzeichnen Erklärung zur Bekämpfung von drogenresistenten Infektionen Die 193 Länder der Vereinten Nationen (UN) haben eine markante Erklärung unterzeichnet, um die Welt der arzneimittelresistenten Infekte oder Antimikrobielle Resistenz (AMR) oder Superbugs zu befreien. Es ist das vierte Mal, dass eine UN-Erklärung zu einem Gesundheitsproblem nach HIV im Jahr 2001, nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten im Jahr 2011 und der Ebola im Jahr 2013 erzielt wurde. Die Unterzeichnerstaaten haben nun zwei Jahre Zeit, den Aktionsplan vorzulegen. Diese vorgelegten Pläne werden voraussichtlich die Ernsthaftigkeit und den Umfang der Situation ansprechen. Es wird auch auf nachhaltige, sektorübergreifende Ansätze zur Bewältigung der antimikrobiellen Resistenz vereinbart. Die antimikrobielle Resistenz tritt ein, wenn Mikroorganismen wie Bakterien, Pilze, Viren und Parasiten sich ändern, wenn sie antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen wie Antibiotika, Antimykotika, Antiviren, Antimalaria und Anthelmintika ausgesetzt sind. Mikroorganismen, die antimikrobielle Resistenz entwickeln werden manchmal als 8216superbugs8217 bezeichnet. Russland, ein weiteres nuklear angetriebenes U-Boot nach Indien zu vermieten Russland hat ein Abkommen mit Indien stillgelegt, um ein zweites russisches Akula-2-Klassen-Atom-U-Boot an die indische Marine zu vermieten. Das Angriffs-U-Boot wird in den indischen Gewässern 2020-21 ankommen. Der Mietvertrag zwischen PM Narendra Modi und dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin wurde auf dem Gipfeltreffen der BRICS in Goa unterzeichnet. BRICS zur Einrichtung einer Ratingagentur Die Fünf-Nationen-Gruppe der Schwellenländer BRICS hat vereinbart, eine unabhängige BRICS Rating Agentur in ihren Bemühungen zur Herausforderung der westlichen Hegemonie in der Welt der Finanzen einzurichten. Es wurde während des 8. BRICS Gipfels in Goa, Indien bekannt gegeben. BRICS umfasst fünf Schwellenländer 8211 Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China und Südafrika. Die BRICS Rating Agentur basiert auf marktorientierten Grundsätzen, um die Global Governance Architektur zu stärken. Es wird nach der gemeinsamen Vision der BRICS-Nationen für den institutionellen Aufbau gestartet, um die globale Finanzarchitektur auf der Grundlage von Fairness und Gerechtigkeit umzusetzen. Es wird BRICS und anderen Ländern dabei helfen, Infrastruktur und nachhaltige Projekte in den Schwellenländern zu bewerten. Damit wird es die Lücke in der globalen Finanzarchitektur weiter überbrücken. Indien, Russland unterzeichnen 16 Abkommen über diverse Sektoren 8220Indien und Russland haben 16 Vereinbarungen über diverse Sektoren einschließlich der Bereiche Verteidigung, Infrastruktur, Energie, Raumfahrt, Schiffbau usw. unterzeichnet. Sie wurden nach Gesprächen auf Delegationsebene unter Vorsitz von Premierminister Narendra Modi unterzeichnet Und der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin während des 17. Indien-Russland jährlichen bilateralen Gipfeltreffen in Goa. Einige der unterzeichneten Vereinbarungen sind: 1. Abkommen über die Zusammenarbeit bei der internationalen Informationssicherheit. MoU für den Ausbau des bilateralen Handels und der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit.3. Aktionärsvertrag zur Gründung eines Joint Ventures zur Herstellung des Hubschraubers Ka-226T in Indien.4. MoU für die Entwicklung intelligenter Städte in Andhra Pradesh und Haryana. MoU für den Aufbau eines Investmentfonds von 1 Milliarde durch den Nationalen Investitions - und Infrastrukturfonds (NIIF) und den Russischen Direktinvestitionsfonds (RDIF) .8221 Global hunger index 8211 2016 Indien belegte 97 von 118 Ländern auf den International Food Policy Research Institutes (IFHI) Global Hunger Index (GHI) im Jahr 2016, hinter Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesch, unter anderem, aber vor Pakistan und drei anderen asiatischen Ländern. Sie lag im vergangenen Jahr bei 80 von 104 Ländern. Der Global Hunger Index (GHI) ist ein mehrdimensionales statistisches Werkzeug, das verwendet wird, um den Zustand der Länder8217 Hungersituation zu beschreiben. Es schildert Indiens Hungersituation als 8220erniedrig.8221 Auf einer Skala von 0-100 Punkten, wobei 100 das absolute Schlimmste im Hungerstreben war, erzielte Indien 28,5 8211 eine marginale Verbesserung um einen Viertelpunkt seit der Jahrhundertwende. Aber mit dem Land alle eingestellt, um die bevölkerungsreichsten in der Welt in den nächsten 10-ungeraden Jahren, kann die Verbesserung auch umgekehrt. Pakistan kündigt Verschiebung des 19. SAARC-Gipfels in Islamabad an Pakistan hat den 19. Südasiatischen Verband für regionale Zusammenarbeit (SAARC) - Gipfel nach Indien verschoben und vier weitere Länder haben angekündigt, den Gipfel zu boykottieren. Das Gipfeltreffen fand am 9. und 10. November in Islamabad, der Hauptstadt von Pakistan, statt. Außerdem wurde bekannt gegeben, dass neue Termine für den Gipfel in Islamabad bald von Nepal, dem Vorsitzenden von SAARC, bekannt gegeben werden. Pakistans Entscheidung ist ein Schub für Indias diplomatischen Bemühungen, um Pakistan über den Terroranschlag in Uri auszugleichen. IGI wird Asien-Pazifik erster CO2-neutraler Flughafen Der Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Flughafen hat sich Asien-Pazifik nur und einer der weltweit wenigen Flughäfen, um einen Kohlenstoff-neutralen Status zu erreichen. Die Ankündigung in dieser Hinsicht wurde von der Airports Council International (ACI) während der Airport Carbon Akkreditierung Zertifikat Präsentation Zeremonie der IGI in Montreal, Kanada. Die Airport Carbon Accreditation zertifiziert hat die IGI Flughäfen Status auf Level 3, Neutralität, die höchste Ebene für Flughäfen auf der ganzen Welt aktualisiert. Weniger als 25 Flughäfen der Welt und die meisten von ihnen befinden sich in Europa, haben diesen Kohlenstoff neutral Status verdient. Indien wird nicht am SAARC-Gipfeltreffen in Islamabad teilnehmen MEA Indien wird im November 2016 nicht an dem Gipfeltreffen der südasiatischen Vereinigung für regionale Zusammenarbeit (SAARC) in Islamabad (Pakistan) teilnehmen. Diese Entscheidung wurde im Hinblick auf den ununterbrochenen grenzüberschreitenden Terrorismus getroffen Durch Pakistan, die ein Umfeld geschaffen hat, das der erfolgreichen Durchführung des Gipfels nicht förderlich ist. In diesem Zusammenhang hat das Außenministerium der Vereinten Nationen (MEA) dem derzeitigen SAARC-Vorsitzenden Nepal übermittelt. Außerdem haben Afghanistan, Bangladesch und Bhutan ihre Vorbehalte über die Teilnahme am Gipfel vermittelt. Zunehmende grenzüberschreitende Terroranschläge in der Region und zunehmende Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten der Mitgliedsstaaten durch ein Land (ohne Namensgebung von Pakistan). Indien, US Gemeinsame militärische Trainingstraining Yudh Abhyas 2016 schließt Indien und die Vereinigten Staaten (US) Gemeinsame militärische Trainingstraining Yudh Abhyas 2016 schloss an der Chaubattia Military Station in Ranikhet, Uttarakhand. Die bilaterale militärische Übung war die zwölfte Ausgabe in der YudhAbhyas Reihe, die im Jahr 2004 unter US Army Pacific Partnership Program begann. Dies war das dritte Mal, dass die Übung in Chaubattia in Uttarakhand durchgeführt wird. Die YudhAbhyas 2016 zielten darauf ab, die Interoperabilität und Zusammenarbeit zwischen den indischen und US-Armeen zu stärken und zu erweitern. Es hatte Field Training Übungen der Brigade Headquarter basierte Command Post Übung und auch Diskussionen über Fragen von beiderseitigem Interesse von Experten beider Länder erlebt. Indien, Russland beginnen gemeinsame militärische Übung in Wladiwostok Die 8. Auflage der Indo-Russland gemeinsame militärische Übung Indra 2016 wurde in Wladiwostok in Russland markiert. Indra, ein Portmanteau der Namen der beiden Länder, ist eine zweimonatige Übung, die seit 2003 zwischen den beiden Verbündeten durchgeführt wird. In diesem Jahr liegt der Schwerpunkt auf Maßnahmen zur Terrorismusbekämpfung im Gebirge und im Dschungelgebiet im Rahmen des Mandats der Vereinten Nationen. Interessant, aber russische Truppen kamen in Pakistan am selben Tag für die erste Pakistan-Russland gemeinsame militärische Übung synchronisiert 8220Friendship-20168243. Indien, Frankreich tauschen Abkommen für 36 Rafale Kampfflugzeuge Die Unionsregierung hat den Deal mit Frankreich für den Kauf von 36 Rafale Kampfflugzeugen im wegfliegenden Zustand zu einem Preis von 7,878 Milliarden gereinigt. Der Vertrag wird in Anwesenheit des französischen Verteidigungsministers Jean Yves Le Drian unterzeichnet. Der Vertrag für den Deal wurde vom Kabinett Ausschuss für Sicherheit früher. Der Preis wurde im Mai festgelegt. Die Regierung hat auch die Inter-Regierungs-Vereinbarung. Union Govt schlägt 4 GST-Platten vor Die Union Govt hat eine Vier-Platten-Tarifstruktur für die neue indirekte Steuerregelung vorgeschlagen, d. H. Die Warenverkehrssteuer-Steuer (GST) im Bereich von 0 bis 26 Prozent. Es wurde auf der Sitzung des GST-Rates unter Leitung des EU-Finanzministers Arun Jaitley vorgeschlagen und umfasste Vertreter aller Staaten in Neu-Delhi. Ergebnisse der Sitzung auf der Grundlage des Konsenses Kompensation der Staaten aufgrund des Verlustes der Einnahmen nach der Umsetzung der GST ab 1. April 2017. Eine säkulare Wachstumsrate von 14 wird für die Berechnung der Einnahmen der einzelnen Staaten in den ersten fünf Jahren der Umsetzung der GST berücksichtigt werden . Basisjahr für die Berechnung der Einnahmen von Staaten werden 2015-16. Gute Elemente zusammen mit anderen 50 Elemente der gemeinsamen Nutzung von der Steuer befreit werden, um die Inflation unter Kontrolle zu halten. Die GST wird vorgeschlagen, um auf 6 (niedrigeren Satz), 12 (Standard 1 Rate), 18 (Standard 2 Rate) und 26 (höhere Preise) auf die Waren und Dienstleistungen erhoben werden. Es wird 0 auf Gastgeber von Waren und Dienstleistungen, einschließlich Nahrung, Gesundheit und Ausbildung und 26 auf Luxusartikel, wie schnelllebige Konsumgüter und Konsumgüter. Beim Verbrauch von Ultra-Luxusartikeln und Demeritgütern, wie großen Autos und Tabakwaren, muss über einen 26-GST-Satz hinaus eine Verringerung der Kaution verlangt werden. 2. Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav Die zweite Auflage von Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav (RSM) -2016 wurde von der Vereinigungsministerin Rajnath Singh am Indira Gandhi Nationalen Zentrum für Kunst in Neu-Delhi eingeweiht. Die 10-tägige Veranstaltung soll das reiche kulturelle Erbe Indiens in all seinen reichen und abwechslungsreichen Dimensionen präsentieren. RSM 2016 wird Show-Case Kunsthandwerk, Malerei, Küche, Fotografie, Skulptur, Dokumentation und Darstellende Kunst-Folk, Tribal, Klassik und Zeitgenössische an einem Ort. Fast 2.000 Künstler aus dem ganzen Land präsentieren Indias kulturelles Erbe durch Performances, Kunst während der kulturellen Extravaganz. Es ist eines der fünf Festivals, die in diesem Geschäftsjahr in verschiedenen Teilen Indiens einschließlich Bangalore, Varanasi und Jammu und Kaschmir geplant wurden. PM startet National SCST Hub und Zero Defekt Zero Effect Schema Premierminister Narendra Modi startete die nationale SC ST Hub und die Null-Fehler, Zero-Effekt (ZED) - Schema für Micro, Small und Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) bei Ludhiana in Punjab. Außerdem stellte er auch National Awards für MSMEs vor. Er verteilte auch 500 traditionelle Holzcharkhas (Spinnräder) unter Frauen. Ziel des SC ST ist es, Unternehmern aus dem SC ST professionelle Unterstützung zu bieten. Darüber hinaus soll die Unternehmenskultur und das Unternehmertum der SC-ST-Bevölkerung gefördert und eine effizientere Teilnahme am öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen ermöglicht werden. ZED Scheme zielt darauf ab, alle MSMEs zu bewerten und zu halten, um Spitzenprodukte mit sauberer Technologie zu liefern. Es hat sektorspezifische Parameter für jede Branche. MSME Sektor ist entscheidend für den wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt von Indien und dieses System wird dazu beitragen, die globale Qualitätskontrolle Standards entsprechen. Ashok Leyland startet ersten indischen Elektrobus Hinduja Group Flaggschiff Ashok Leyland startete heute 8211 Circuit 8211 den ersten Made in India Elektrobus. Der Bus mit einer Mindestplatzkapazität von 35 bis maximal 65 kann bis zu 120 Kilometer bei einer einzigen Aufladung unter Standardtestbedingungen laufen. Union Govt startet Satelliten-basierte illegale Mining-Detection-System Union Regierung hat ins Leben gerufen Mining Surveillance System (MSS), ein pan-Indien Überwachungsnetz zur illegalen Bergbau mit neuesten Satelliten-Technologie zu überprüfen. MSS ist ein satellitengestütztes Überwachungssystem, das die illegale Bergbauaktivität mittels automatischer Fernerkundungs-Erkennung untersucht, um ein Regime der reaktionsfähigen Mineralverabreichung zu etablieren. Mining Surveillance System (MSS) wird von Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) in Koordination mit Bhaskaracharya Institut für Raumfahrtanwendungen und Geo-Informatik (BISAG), Gandhinagar entwickelt. PM Narendra Modi eröffnet Shaurya Smarak in Bhopal Premierminister Narendra Modi am 14. Oktober 2016 eröffnete 8216Shaurya Smarak8217, das Kriegsdenkmal in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Die 8216Shaurya Smarak8217 wurde von der Landesregierung zu Ehren derer gebaut, die ihr Leben für das Land niederlegten. Die Smarak gebaut über eine Fläche von 12,67 Hektar Land. Es wurde auf Kosten von 41 crore Rupien mit einem 62-Fuß Shaurya Stambh entwickelt. Es verfügt über helle und solide Einrichtung, um Geschichten der Tapferkeit der nation8217s tapferen Soldaten, die ihr Leben kämpfen Feinde an den Grenzen gelegt haben, zu erzählen. Verschiedene Stadien des Lebens, des Krieges, des Todes und des Sieges über dem Tod wurden hier gezeigt. 22 Abgeordnete von kleineren Parteien, unabhängig in Rajya Sabha als ein konsolidierter Block anerkannt Vizepräsident und Rajya Sabha Vorsitzender Hamid Ansari hat eine Gruppe von 22 Abgeordneten von kleineren Parteien und bestimmten Unabhängigen als konsolidierter Block 8211 der Vereinigten Gruppe anerkannt. Mit dieser Anerkennung wird die United Group, die drittgrößte Gruppe von Abgeordneten im Rajya Sabha, nach dem Kongress und dem BJP sein. Dies ist nur das dritte Mal in der Geschichte des indischen Parlaments konsolidierten Block wurde anerkannt, der erste war im Jahr 1983 und der zweite im Jahr 1990. Im Jahr 1983 wurde die erste so konsolidierte Gruppe namens Vereinigungen von Mitgliedern wurde von der damaligen Rajya Sabha anerkannt Vorsitzender M. Hidayatullah. Im Jahr 1990, der damalige Vorsitzende von Rajya Sabha anerkannte organisierte Gruppe von Parlamentariern und wurde wieder als die United Group benannt. Kabinett genehmigt Einrichtung von IIM Jammu Das Unionskabinett hat die Einrichtung einer indischen Institut für Management-Schule in Jammu am 13. Oktober als Teil des PM Narendra Modis Entwicklungspaket für Jammu und Kaschmir genehmigt. Das Entwicklungspaket umfasste eine bessere Einrichtung für die Erziehung von Kindern, Beschäftigung für Jugendliche, moderne Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, Einrichtungen zur Förderung des Fremdenverkehrs im Staat und besondere Vorkehrungen für die Produktion von Früchten im Staat. Die Regierung hat vor kurzem ein indisches Technologieinstitut in Jammu eingerichtet. Draft National Water Framework Bill, 2016 schlägt Becken-Level-Management Die Central Govt hat endgültige Entwurf des National Water Framework Bill, 2016, um einen einheitlichen nationalen Rechtsrahmen für die Verwaltung von Wasser auf eine bessere und effiziente Weise zu bringen. Der umfassende Gesetzentwurf schlägt Modellgesetz für alle Staaten vor. Allerdings ist das Wasser ein Staat unter VII Satz der Verfassung das Gesetz ist nicht bindend für die Staaten zur Annahme. Himansh, Indias entfernt, Höhe-Höhestation öffnet sich im Himalaja Eine hohe Höhe glaciological Forschungsstation in Himalaya genannt Himansh (eine Scheibe des Eises) begann Funktionieren über 13.500 ft (4.000 m) in einer entfernten Region in Spiti, Himachal Pradesh. Die Forscher nutzen diese Station als Grundlage für Umfragen, die die Gletscherbewegung und die Schneedecke mit außergewöhnlicher Präzision digitalisieren würden. Himansh Station wird viel benötigt füllen, um die wissenschaftliche Forschung auf Himalaya-Gletscher und ihre hydrologischen Beitrag. Das Forschungslabor wurde vom Nationalen Zentrum für Antarktis - und Ozeanforschung (NCAOR) im Spiti-Tal, einem der unbewohnten Teile des Landes, errichtet. Die Station beherbergt Instrumente, um die Gletscherschmelze zu quantifizieren und ihr Verhältnis zum veränderten Klima zu bestimmen. Unionsregierung verlängert Antidumpingzoll auf bestimmte chinesische Erzeugnisse Die Unionsregierung hat den Antidumpingzoll bei der Einfuhr bestimmter chinesischer Erzeugnisse, die in Kleidungsstücken, Spielzeug und Schuhwaren verwendet werden, für weitere fünf Jahre, dh bis 2021, verlängert (CBEC) auf der Grundlage von Empfehlungen der Generaldirektion für Antidumping und alliierte Angelegenheiten (DGAD). Diese Erweiterung wird die inländische Industrie vor dem Schaden schützen, der durch Dumping (Import) der billigen chinesischen Produkte verursacht wird. Die DGAD hat den Fall für die Fortsetzung des Antidumpingzolls auf chinesische Waren nach ihrer zweiten Überprüfung des Antidumpingzolls auf die Einfuhren vorgenommen. Bereits im Oktober 2010 hatte die Finanzabteilung des Unio-Finanzministeriums die Erhebung (Antidumpingzoll) bis Oktober 2015 verlängert. Frauen können auch unter häuslichem Gewaltrecht verfolgt werden. SC Nicht nur Männer, sondern Frauen können auch unter dem Schutz verfolgt werden Der Frauen gegen Gewalt in der Familie (DV). Der Oberste Gerichtshof hat die Worte erwachsenen Mannes aus der einschlägigen Bestimmung des DV-Gesetzes niedergeschlagen, um festzulegen, dass eine Frau auch eine Beschwerde gegen eine andere Frau einreichen und ihr häusliche Gewalt vorwerfen kann. Indias erstes internationales Schiedsgericht in Mumbai eingeweiht Das erste internationale Schiedsgericht von Indien wurde in Mumbai, Maharashtra eingeweiht, um eine Schiedsplattform für indische Handelshäuser zur Verhandlung kommerzieller Streitigkeiten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Das Mumbai Zentrum für internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (MCIA) wurde von Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis gestartet. Mit diesem Maharashtra wird erster Staat im Land zu klare Politik für institutionelle Schiedsverfahren. Es wird auch als ein wichtiger Schritt betrachtet, um Mumbai zu einem internationalen Finanzdienstleistungszentrum (IFSC) zu machen. Das MCIA wird eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Organisation (NGO) sein, die von einem Rat geleitet wird, der bedeutende nationale und internationale Rechtsleuchten umfasst. Es wird eine Weltklasse-Infrastruktur für die Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, 247 Funktionalität und Live-Transkription Dienstleistungen Aufnahme während des Schiedsverfahrens für Transparenz. Es wird in sync mit der Make in India Kampagne und wird eine zeitgebundene und kostengünstige Möglichkeit, um das Vertrauen der Investoren zu stärken. Indien-Pakistan-Grenze vollständig abzudichten bis zum Jahr 2018 Union Minister Rajnath Singh angekündigt, dass Indien-Pakistan Grenze wird vollständig durch Dezember 2018 versiegelt werden. Ankündigung in dieser Hinsicht wurde nach Ministerrat der Europäischen Union statt Treffen von Vertretern der 4 Staaten teilen Grenze mit Pakistan In Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. Die Zentralregierung hat einen zeitlich begrenzten Aktionsplan formuliert, um die gesamte 3.323 km lange Grenze zwischen den beiden Ländern vollständig zu versiegeln. Der Prozess der Abdichtung der Grenze wird auf Ministerium des Innern (MHA) Ebene, Border Security Force (BSF) Ebene und Chefsekretär der Staaten Ebene überwacht werden. Regierung integriert 250 Mandis in 10 Staaten mit e-Landwirtschaft Markt in der ersten Phase Die Regierung hat 250 Mandis in 10 Staaten mit der elektronischen nationalen Landwirtschaft Markt (e-NAM) in der ersten Phase integriert. Im April startete Premierminister Narendra Modi die e-NAM auf Pilotenbasis mit 22 Mandis in acht Staaten. Das Ziel war die Integration von 200 Mandis bis September dieses Jahres und insgesamt 585 bis März 2018. Union Regierung genehmigt Rs.114 crore wert Projekte unter HRIDAY Scheme Das Ministerium für Stadtentwicklung der Stadt hat Projekte im Wert von Rs.114 crore unter HRIDAY-System für die Verbesserung der Infrastruktur genehmigt Einrichtungen rund um Kernkulturerbe in fünf Städten. Diese fünf Städte sind: Varnasi (Uttar Pradesh), Amritsar (Punjab), Dwaraka (Gujarat), Puri (Odisha) und Warangal (Telangana). Projekte in diesen Bezirken wurden auf Empfehlung des interministeriellen HRIDAY National Empowered Committee ausgewählt. Kabinett genehmigt Änderungen an HIV und AIDS (Prävention und Kontrolle) Bill, 2014 Das Unionskabinett hat seine Zustimmung zur Einführung von Änderungen der HIV-und AIDS (Prevention and Control) Bill, 2014 gegeben. Der Gesetzentwurf will die Rechte der Menschen mit zu schützen HIV und von HIV betroffen. Sie will soziale Stigmatisierung und Diskriminierung von HIV-infizierten Menschen verhindern (PLHIV). Außerdem bemüht sie sich, die rechtliche Rechenschaftspflicht zu stärken und formale Mechanismen für die Untersuchung von Beschwerden und die Abwehr von Beschwerden zur Untersuchung von Diskriminierungsbeschwerden gegen diejenigen einzurichten, die gegen PLHIV diskriminieren. Wahlkommission von Indien arbeitet mit Facebook zusammen, um junge Wähler zu registrieren Social-Networking-Website Facebook arbeitet mit der Wahlkommission von Indien in fünf Staaten zusammen, die im nächsten Jahr abstimmen werden, um eine Wählerregistrierung zu starten, die darauf abzielt, die Jugend zur Teilnahme am Demokratischen zu ermutigen Übung. Facebook ist die Zusammenarbeit mit der Wahlkommission und das Amt des Chief Wahlbeamten in poll-gebundenen Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Goa, Manipur und Uttarakhand zum ersten Mal in dem Land, um eine Wähler Registrierung fahren. Mit über 155 Millionen Menschen in Indien auf Facebook, die 8216Register to vote8217 Button ist so konzipiert, um die Bürger in diesen fünf Staaten zu ermutigen, ihre Stimme in den kommenden Wahlen auszuüben. Von 6 bis 9 Oktober, Facebook-Nutzer in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Goa, Manipur und Uttarakhand, die 18 Jahre und älter wurden eine Erinnerung in ihrem News-Feed zu registrieren, um abzustimmen. Union Govt startet Indian Bridge Management System Das Ministerium für Straßenverkehr und Autobahnen der Union hat das Indian Bridge Management System (IBMS) ins Leben gerufen. Es wurde von der Union Minister für Straßenverkehr und Autobahnen Nitin Gadkari in Neu-Delhi ins Leben gerufen als ein wichtiger Schritt zur Gewährleistung der Sicherheit der Brücken im Land. IBMS wird entwickelt, um eine Bestandsaufnahme aller Brücken im Land zu schaffen und den strukturellen Zustand der Brücken zu bewerten. Das Rating wird helfen, für ihre rechtzeitige Reparatur und Durchführung von Rehabilitation auf der Grundlage der Kritikalität der Struktur. IBMS ist die größte Plattform der Welt im Besitz eines einzigen Eigentümers, mit Datenbank, die eine lakh fünfzigtausend Brückenstrukturen überschreiten könnte. PM Narendra Modi weiht Indien-Sanitation-Konferenz in Neu-Delhi ein Premierminister Narendra Modi eröffnete Indien-Sanitation-Konferenz (INDOSAN) in Neu-Delhi vor dem zweiten Jahrestag der Swachh Bharat Mission. PM Modi in seiner Antrittsrede hervorgehoben Notwendigkeit der Verhaltensänderung, um den Traum von Swachch Bharat zu erreichen und müssen auch einen Schmutz freien Indien wie Mahatma Gandhis Satyagraha, die für das Ende des Kolonialismus instrumental war zu gewährleisten. Der Ministerpräsident gab auch dem Areal von Sindhudurg (Maharashtra), Mandi Bezirk (Himachal Pradesh), Pune, Chandigarh und Mysore Municipal Corporations, der Stadt Gangtok (Sikkim), dem National Cadet Corps (NCC), dem Surat Bahnhof, PGIMER Chandigarh, Kulturerbe Rani ki vav in Gujarat und Kendriya Vidyalaya FRI Dehradun. INDOSAN wird als jährliches nationales Ereignis ins Auge gefasst, das alle Stakeholder zusammenbringt, die in der Abwasserentsorgung tätig sind. Indische Armee führt chirurgische Streiks auf Terror-Start-Pads über LoC Indische Armee hat chirurgische Streiks auf Terror-Abschussrampen über die Linie der Kontrolle () in Pakistan-besetzten Kaschmir (PoK) durchgeführt, d. H. Entlang der Indias-De-facto-Grenze mit Pakistan. Die chirurgischen Streiks waren Indias erste direkte militärische Reaktion auf Angriff auf Uri Armee Basis von pakistanischen Militanten, die 18 indischen Soldaten getötet hatte. Das Motiv der Operation war, die Terroristen, die in das indische Territorium eindringen wollten, zu erschlagen. Während der Operation wurde ein bedeutendes Opfer für Terroristen verursacht. Die grenzüberschreitende Aktion Indien Indus Waters Treaty mit Pakistan überprüft und zog aus dem regionalen SAARC-Gipfel, die in Islamabad, Pakistan als Teil einer breiteren diplomatischen Offensive zur Isolierung Pakistans stattfinden soll. Chirurgischer Streik ist ein militärischer Angriff, der nur die beabsichtigte legitime militärische Zielsetzung und keine oder minimale Kollateralschäden an umgebenden Strukturen, der allgemeinen öffentlichen Infrastruktur, Fahrzeugen, Gebäuden und Versorgungseinrichtungen beschädigen soll. Gewerkschaftskabinett genehmigt Varistha Pension Bima Yojana, 2003 und 2014 Das Kabinett der Union hat seine Ex-post-facto-Genehmigung für die Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana (VPBY) 2003 und die Varistha Pension Bima Yojana (VPBY) 2014. Das Kabinett hat auch die Genehmigung für die Ausgaben gegeben Die an die LIC für die beiden Systeme entrichtet wurden. VPBY wurde am 14. Juli 2003 gestartet und war bis 14. August 2015 geöffnet und VPBY wurde am 14. August 2014 gestartet. Beide Systeme sind für zukünftige Abonnements geschlossen. Diese Systeme wurden durch Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) durchgeführt. Beide sind Rentensysteme, die Senioren eine versicherte Mindestrente gewähren sollen, die auf einer gesicherten Mindestrendite auf dem Zeichnungsbetrag basiert. Die Rente ist bis zum Tod ab dem Datum der Zeichnung vorgesehen, mit Rückzahlung des Zeichnungsbetrags bei Tod des Teilnehmers an den Kandidaten. Shaheed Bhagat Singhs 109. Geburt Jahrestag in Indien beobachtet beobachtet die 109. Jahrestag des revolutionären sozialistischen Shaheed Bhagat Singh. Er wurde am 28. September 1907 geboren und war eine einflussreiche Figur in der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung. Premierminister Narendra Modi zahlte Tribut an Bhagat Singh auf seinem 109. Geburtsjahrestag. Delhi Regierung beschlossen, den Tag durch die Organisation Shaheed Utsav gedenken. Union Govt beschließt, Gespräche über den Vertrag von Indus zu unterbrechen Die Unionsregierung hat beschlossen, alle Gespräche über den Indien-Pakistanischen Indus-Wasser-Vertrag im Zuge des Uri-Angriffs auszusetzen. Die diesbezügliche Entscheidung wurde unter dem Vorsitz von Ministerpräsident Narendra Modi getroffen. An der Konferenz nahmen der nationale Sicherheitsberater (NSA), Ajit Doval, der Außenminister S Jaishankar, der Wasserressourcensekretär und leitende PMO-Beamte teil. No review or abrogation of the Indus Waters Treaty. Decision to utilise water under Indias share to fullest. Suspend talks on the Permanent Indus Commission (PIC), the dispute redressal mechanism until terrorism stops. Review the 1987 suspension of the Tulbbul navigation project that Pakistan had objected. Build more run-of-the-river hydropower projects on western rivers (Indus, Jhelum, Chenab) to exploit full potential. Expedite construction of Pakal Dul, Sawalkot, Bursar dams in Jammu and Kashmir. Use 20 of river water allocated under treaty for Jammu and Kashmir farmers. CSIR celebrates its platinum jubilee Indias largest civilian research and development agency Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) celebrated its platinum jubilee. The platinum jubilee celebrations were in-augurated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi who is also the President of CSIR. PM Modi also released seven new plant varieties developed at CSIR laboratories. He also witnessed exclusive CSIR Showcase on major technological contributions of CSIR. Govt appoints ICICI Prudential AMC to manage new CPSE ETF The Department of Investment and Public Asset Management, Ministry of Finance has appointed ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Ltd as the asset management company for the creation and launch of a new Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) comprising stocks of PSUs in the current fiscal with an estimated corpus of Rs 6,000 crore. The government proposes to create and launch the ETF in addition to the existing CPSE ETF, comprising stocks of listed CPSEs and the central government8217s stake in other corporate entities. Union Govt to launch Mission Parivar Vikas for improved family planning services The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is going to launch Mission Parivar Vikas for improved family planning services in 145 High Focus districts in seven states. The objective of mission is to accelerate access to high quality family planning choices based on information, reliable services and supplies within a rights-based framework. These districts are located in the seven high focus states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Assam. They are having the highest total fertility rates and constitute 44 of the countrys population. They also have a substantial impact on maternal and child health indicators. As about 25 to 30 of maternal deaths and 50 of infant deaths occur in these districts. Nation worlds largest solar power plant in TN Adani Green Energy (Tamil Nadu) Ltd, part of the Adani Group has dedicated to the nation the worlds largest solar power plant of 648 megawatts (MW), set up at Kamuthi in Ramanathapuram district of Tamil Nadu. The plant has been set up with an investment of around Rs. 4,550 crore. It is part of the state governments target to generate 3,000 MW in line with its new solar energy policy unveiled in 2012. The company sourced equipment and machinery from various parts of the world to set up the 648 MW capacity within a record time of 8 months. Govt merges Railway Budget with Union Budget The Cabinet on September 21 has approved the scrapping of the 92-year old practice of presenting a separate Railway Budget and merged it with the Union Budget. The Cabinet also approved the advancing of the date of presentation of the Union Budget to February 1, as against the current practice of presenting it on the last working day of February. Indira Awas Yojana Renamed After Prime Minister 8220The flagship rural housing scheme Indira Awas Yojana (IAY), started by former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, has been re-structured and renamed as Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), which will be launched next month. The IAY will be subsumed by the PMAY from April 1 next year. Under the new scheme, the government is aiming to construct one crore houses by 2019. Under IAY, the government has set a target of con-structing 38 lakh houses by end of the current financial year (2015-16), out of which 10 lakh have been completed. Launched by Rajiv Gandhi in 1985, IAY is a centrally sponsored scheme funded on a cost sharing basis between the Centre and states in the 60:40 ratio, except in case of north east states and Union Territories (UTs). For north east states, the Centre funds 90 per cent of the cost and 100 per cent for the UTs. Irom Sharmila announces formation of political party named PRJA Human rights activist Irom Sharmila announced the formation of her political party named Peoples Resurgence and Justice Alliance (PRJA). The announcement was made with a promise to fight for justice and peace among the people. While launching the party, the Iron Lady of Manipur said that she is entering electoral battle to fight against injustice after ending her nearly 16-year long hunger strike. Sharmila further said her party will contest for at least 20 seats in the coming state Assembly election to be held early in 2017. She will contest from two seats, Thoubal and Khurai. Thoubal is her home constituency, while Khurai is represented by Chief MInsiter Okram Ibobi Singh. Telangana Govt creates 21 new districts Telangana Government in its the biggest administrative reform has created 21 new districts. With this reorganisation, the total number of districts in the State went up to 31 from 10. The 21 new districts are: Siddipet, Jayashankar, Jangaon, Jagtial, Yadadri, Warangal (Rural), Peddapally, Sangareddy, Kamareddy, Mancheriyal, Kothagudem, Vikarabad, Rajanna, Asifabad, Suryapet, Wanaparthy, Nirmal, Mahabubabad, Nagarkurnool, Jogulamba and Malkajgiri. Earlier 10 districts are: Hyderabad, Mahabubnagar, Ranga Reddy, Karimnagar, Medak, Adilabad, Warangal, Nizamabad, Khammam and Nalgonda. MP to launch 8216Lalima Abhiyan8217 to make state free from anaemia With an aim to make Madhya Pradesh anaemia-free, the state government has decided to launch a scheme-8217Lalima Abhiyan8217- that will be effective from November 1. Under the campaign, free iron folic acid tablets will be provided in aaganwadis8217, academic institutions and hospitals. The Center has assured full cooperation to the state government in the matter. Acoording to National Family Health Survey data, 52.5 percent of women, aged between 15 to 49 years, are suffering from anaemia. Natural, modern and traditional measures will be publicised during the campaign that will involve the Public Health Engineering, Ayush and School Education Department as well. Jharkhand becomes first state to implement DBT in Kerosene Jharkhand has become the first state in the country to implement Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) in Kerosene Scheme. The scheme is being implemented in four identified districts of the state from 1st of October 2017. These districts are Chatra, Hazaribagh, Khunti and Jamtara. Under the DBTK scheme, PDS kerosene will be sold at non-subsidised price and the subsidy will be directly transferred to consumers directly into their bank accounts. It aims at rationalising subsidy based on the approach to cut subsidy leakages but not the subsidy. Delhi Police launches Mobile App for senior citizens The Delhi Police has launched a mobile application Delhi Police Senior Citizen for senior citizens to provide immediate assistance to them in distress. The facility was launched by Delhi Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung at a function in New Delhi on the occasion of International Day of Older Persons (observed on October 1). The application has an SOS button integrated with a dedicated existing helpline for Senior Citizen 1291. The app has been designed with features that allow users to press the SOS button in case of an emergency. The call will reach a dedicated station. If the user is unwell, an ambulance will be sent. In case for any other reason, a beat constable will be asked to contact the user. Gurgaon officially renamed Gurugram The Union Government has given its approval to change the name of Gurgaon to Gurugram. With this both the city as well as the district of Gurgaon would be known as Gurugram. It was announced by Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar after presiding over the first meeting of the State-level Swarna Jayanti Celebrations Committee at Panchkula. Gurugram is the mytho-logical name derived from Guru Dronacharya, the master of archery in Mahabharata who groomed the Pandavas and Kauravas in war tactics. It is said the village was given as gurudakshina to Guru Dronacharya by the Pandavas and hence it came to be known as Guru-gram. Telangana ties up with ISRO for bandwidth to telecast coaching programmes The Telangana Government has signed an agreement with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to get band-width to telecast Mana TV programmes. To start with, the TV channel will air coaching programmes for students appearing for various competitive examinations to get government jobs. Agriculture Minister inaugurates Krishi Unnati Mela in Mathura The Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister, Shri Radha Mohan Singh has inaugurated the 4 days Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Krishi Unnati Mela 8211 2016, in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. Upadhyaya conceived the political philosophy Integral Humanism 8211 the guiding philosophy of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The philosophy of Integral Humanism advocates the simultaneous and integrated program of the body, mind and intellect and soul of each human being. TN government for Thaaliku Thangam scheme under marriage assistance programme Tamil Nadu government has allotted Rs 204 crore towards the implementation of the enhanced gold scheme under a marriage assistance programme. Rs 204 crore has been allotted for Thaaliku Thangam (Gold for Mangalsutra) scheme for the year 2016-17 to benefit 12,500 women. The scheme involves providing marriage assistance and gold for daughters of poor parents and widows among others to make thaali. The assistance of Rs 25,000 for beneficiaries who have passed Class X and Rs 50,000 to those with an undergraduate degree or diploma is also given as part of the scheme. Delhi8217s Race Course Road renamed as Lok Kalyan Marg Delhi8217s Race Course Road has now been renamed as Lok Kalyan Marg. Prime Minister Narendra Modi8217s residence is located on this road. A decision to this effect was taken at a high-level meeting of the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), presided by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. The NDMC also decided to rename the Gurdwara Rakabganj round-about adja-cent to the Parliament complex as Guru Gobind Singh Chowk. 8th BRICS Summit concludes in Goa The eighth BRICS summit was held in Goa from 15 to16 October 2016. The summit concluded with adaptation of Goa Declaration. The two day summit was attended by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Brazilian President Michel Temer and South African President Jacob Zuma. The theme for the summit was Building Responsive, Inclusive and Collective Solutions. BRICS nations condemns terrorism in all its forms and stressed that there can be no justification for such acts. International terrorism, especially the Islamic State (IS) is an unprecedented threat to international peace and security. The ninth BRICS Summit will be hosted by China in 2017. First BRICS Trade Fair and Exhibition held in Delhi The first BRICS Trade Fair and Exhibition held in the national capital, ahead of the BRICS political summit in Goa. The fair is a platform for respective BRICS countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to exhibit state-of-the-art technologies and advances made in industrial development. 4th BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Ministerial Meeting held at Jaipur The 4th BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Ministerial Meeting was held at Jaipur, Rajastan. The purpose of the meeting was to further strengthen the collaboration amongst the BRICS countries in the areas of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI). The meeting adopted a five-pronged approach, viz. Institution Building, Implementation, Integration, Innovation and Continuity. In alignment with the theme of Indias Chairmanship of 8th BRICS Summit, Building, Responsive Inclusive and Collective Solutions, Jaipur Declaration was unanimously adopted. The BRICS member countries have resolved to intensify, diversify and institutionalize STI cooperation through the BRICS innovation and research initiative. Indias proposal to establish a BRICS Science and Technology driven Entrepreneurship and Innovation Partnership Programme to harness innovativeness of youth was also agreed. India to host 2016 Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction India is hosting the 2016 Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) from November 3 to 5, 2016 in New Delhi. This will be second time India hosting AMCDRR. The conference will be hosted by Union Government in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR). It will be first AMCDRR after advent of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRRR) which was adopted at 3rd UN World Conference in Sendai, Japan in March, 2015. India by hosting AMCDRR re-affirms its commitment to the cause of Disaster Risk Reduction. It will also set the direction of Sendai Framework implementation in the region. The aim of the conference is to trans-form the commitments of governments and stakeholders during the Sendai Conference into national and local action. President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurates World Sustainable Development Summit The President of India Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated the first edition of the World Sustainable Development Summit on the theme Beyond 2015: People, Planet and Progress organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi on 06 October. WSDS has replaced TERIs earlier called Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS). The first DSDS was organised in 2005. The aim of the summit is to provide various stakeholders a single platform in order to provide long-term solutions for the benefit of the global community. 2nd SAARC Anti-Terrorism Mechanism held in New Delhi The second meeting of the High Level Group of Eminent Experts to strengthen the SAARC Anti-Terrorism Mechanism was held in New Delhi. Delegations from all eight SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) member countries participated in the conference. SAARC members are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Issues of terrorism and the measures to strengthen the SAARC anti-terrorism mechanism were discussed. Besides, other important issues discussed during the meeting included terrorism financing, drugs trafficking and cybercrimes. Robert De Niro to be honoured with Chaplin Award The Film Society of Lincoln Center in the second week of October 2016 announced Robert De Niro as the recipient of the 44th Chaplin Award. De Niro will be presented with the award at an award gala on 8 May 2017. The Film Society of Lincoln Center is one of the worlds most prominent film presentation organizations. R. A. Mashelkar conferred award by Centre for Organisation Development R. A. Mashelkar, former Director-General of CSIR, has been conferred the V Krishnamurthy Award for excellence by the Hyderabad-based Centre for Organisation Development. The former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and Governor of Tamil Nadu, K Rosaiah, presented the award at a function in Hyderabad on 13 October. The award was instituted in 2000 to recognise excellence in management. V Krishnamurthy had contributed enormously to the public sector, BHEL and SAIL. Bob Dylan wins 2016 Nobel prize in literature The 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded to American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, for 8220having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition8221. Dylan, 75, has won numerous awards, including twelve Grammys and one Academy Award. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank awarded by Ugandan govt for his literary work Former Uttarakhand chief minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank has been conferred with a prestigious award by the Ugandan government for promoting human values through his literature. Nishank, who is currently a BJP MP from Haridwar, has authored a number of books and anthologies. Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos The Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 has been awarded to Co-lombian President Juan Manuel Santos for his efforts to end his country8217s 50-year civil war. Mr Santos negotiated a peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) guerrilla group but the peace deal was rejected by a narrow majority of Colombians when it was put to referendum. The award should also be seen as a tribute to the Colombian people who, despite great hardships and abuses, have not given up hope of a just peace, and to all the parties who have contributed to the peace process, said a statement by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Three win Nobel chemistry prize for molecular machines Frenchman Jean-Pierre Sauvage, British born J Fraser Stoddart and Dutch scientist Bernard Feringa on 5th Oct won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for developing molecular machines. The laureates share the 8 million kronor (USD 930,000) prize for the design and synthesis of molecules with controllable movements, which can perform a task when energy is added. The academy said molecular machines will most likely be used in the development of things such as new materials, sensors and energy storage systems. The chemistry prize was the last of this years science awards. The medicine prize went to a Japanese biologist who discovered the process by which a cell breaks down and recycles content. The physics prize was shared by three British-born scientists for theoretical discoveries that shed light on strange states of matter. Thouless, Haldane amp Kosterlitz win the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2016 has been divided, one half awarded to David J. Thouless, the other half jointly to F. Duncan M. Haldane and J. Michael Kosterlitz for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter. Announcing the Prize on Oct 04 in Stockholm, a statement by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said that This years Laureates opened the door on an unknown world where matter can assume strange states. They have used advanced mathematical methods to study unusual phases, or states, of matter, such as superconductors, super-fluids or thin magnetic films. Thanks to their pioneering work, the hunt is now on for new and exotic phases of matter. Last year, Physics Nobel was awarded to Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. MacDonald for their work with neutrinos. Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy. The professor is currently at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Announcing the Prize in Stockholm, the Nobel Committee said that the cell biologist discovered and elucidated mechanisms underlying autophagy, a fundamental process for degrading and recycling cellular components. The 1974 Medicine laureate, Christian de Duve, coined the term autophagy (meaning self eating) in 1963. The 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for discoveries concerning novel therapies against river blindness, lymphatic filariasis and malaria to William C. Campbell, Satoshi Omura and Youyou Tu. Murga wins first prize at Swachh Bharat Short Film Festival Murga has won the first prize at the Swachh Bharat Short Film Festival (SBSFF). The short film was directed by young filmmaker Katyayan Shivpuri from Maharashtra. The Union Information and Broadcasting Minister M Venkaiah Naidu be-stowed award upon Katyayan with a certificate and cash prize of 10 lakhs rupees. The SBSFF was organised and curated by National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) on behalf of the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The festival was the cinematic presentation of short films of not more than 3 minutes duration, dedicated to the Swachh Bharat Mission initiative of Central Government. The Hindu wins reader engagement awards The Hindu has been awarded the Silver and Bronze awards in the Best Reader Engagement category of the South Asian Digital Media Awards at the WAN-IFRA (World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers) India 2016 conference in Kolkata. The Silver award went to the Ask Ashwin Contest from The Hindu Groups sportstarlive. The Hindus online coverage of the Tamil Nadu Assembly Election Campaign 2016 bagged the Bronze award in the Best Reader Engagement category. The awards were presented at a glittering ceremony. The awards, presented by WAN-IFRA and Google, recognise publishers who have adopted digital media and mobile strate-gies as part of their total product offering to meet the major changes in how people consume news today. Syrian aid group White Helmets wins Right Livelihood Award Syrian aid group White Helmets has won the prestigious Right Livelihood Award which is also known as alternative Nobel prize. The White Helmets also known as the Syria Civil Defence is a Syrian civil organisation of emergency responders in rebel-held areas. It has been honoured for their outstanding bravery, compassion and humanitarian engagement in rescuing civilians from the destruction of the Syrian civil war. The White Helmets will share the prize with Russian activist Svetlana Gannushkina, Egypts feminist leader Mozn Hassan and leading independent Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet. Novak Djokovic retains top spot in ATP rankings 8220Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic retained the top spot in the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) rankings. He is considered one of the greatest tennis players of all time. Djokovic lost 640 points after he was defeated by Spains Roberto Bautista in the Shanghai Masters semi-final clash. Scotish player Andy Murray garnered 640 points after winning Shanghai Masters to be at second spot with 10.485 points. The current ATP rankings are:1. Novak Djokovic (Serbia) 12.900 points2. Andy Murray (Scotland) 10.485 points3. Stan Wawrinka (Switzerland) 5.820 points4. Milos Raonic (Canada) 4.690 points5. Kei Nishikori (Japan) 4.650 points8221 Andy Murray defeats Grigor Dimitrov to win China Open British tennis player Andy Murray beat Bulgaria8217s Grigor Dimitrov in straight sets to win the China Open on 09 October 2016. Polands Agnieszka Radwanska defeated British tennis player Johanna Konta 6-4, 6-2 to win the China Open Women8217s Singles at Beijing, China. Kieren Dsouza becomes the first Indian to complete World8217s toughest race, Spartathlon Bengaluru8217s Kieren Dsouza has become the first Indian to complete the Spartathlon, widely described as the 8220world8217s toughest race8221. The 23-year old completed the 246.6 km distance in the 2016 edition on Saturday, in 33 hours, one minute and 38 seconds. The Spartathlon is an annual run between Athens and Sparta in Greece, with a reported success rate of 50. Rani becomes 1st Indian woman to cross 60m in javelin Javelin thrower Annu Rani broke her own national record and in the process became the first Indian woman to cross the 60m mark on the third and penultimate day of the 56th Open National Athletics Championships in Lucknow. 24-year-old Annu was representing Railways. Today8217s effort was his fourth national record in two years. India wins historic 500th Test by 197 runs against NZ India notched up a mammoth 197-run win in their historic 500th cricket Test to assert their supremacy in home conditions, bowling out New Zealand for 236 to take a 1-0 lead in the three-match series. After setting the Kiwis a rather improbable target of 434, the Indian bowlers, especially senior off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin (6132), revelled in home conditions to rip through the visiting teams line-up with more than a session to spare. Japan to host 2026 Asian Games Olympic Council of Asia Japan8217s Aichi prefecture and its capital city Nagoya were confirmed as co-hosts of the 2026 Asian Games. The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) formally endorsed the bid after Aichi Prefecture governor Hideaki Ohumra and Nagoya city mayor Takashi Kawamura presented their joint offering to the OCA General Assembly in Danang, which is currently hosting the 5th Asian Beach Games. Anup Kumar to lead India in Kabaddi World Cup Star raider Anup Kumar from Haryana will lead India in next months Kabaddi World Cup to be held in Ahmedabad. All-rounder Manjeet Chillar will be Anups deputy in the 14-member squad for the tournament that is set to commence on October 7 and will feature 12 teams. The countries which will take part in the tournament are Iran, South Korea, Bangladesh, USA, England, Australia, Poland, Thailand, Japan, Argentina, Kenya and hosts India. Rosneft-led consortium buys Indias Essar Oil for 13 billion Russian consortium led energy giant Rosneft Oil Company has agreed to acquire Indias second biggest private oil firm Essar Oil in an all-cash deal valued at about US 13 billion. The consortium includes Rosneft Oil Company, Netherlands-based commodities trader Trafigura and private investment group United Capital Partners. The business transaction was announced in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the 8th BRICS Summit in Goa. Under this deal Rosneft bought a 49 stake in Essar Oils refinery, port and petrol pumps, while Trafigura Group Pte and United Capital Partners split 49 equity equally. It includes 10.9 billion for Essar Oils Vadinar refinery (Indias second-largest refinery with a capacity of 20 million tonnes) and 2 billion for a port terminal that helps feed refinery. It also includes Essar Oils debt of 4.5 billion and about 2 billion debt with the Port Company and power plant. In the First, Bank deposits cross Rs 100 lakh crore According to the data released by the RBI, India banking system reported total deposits of Rs 100 lakh crore for the first time ever in September month of this year. With demand deposits crossing Rs10 lakh crore and time deposits crossing the Rs 90 lakh crore mark, the month saw the highest-ever monthly rise of Rs 5.32 lakh crore 8211 more than the total deposits in the banking sector 20 years back. Banks deposits grew at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 12.88 in the last five years, they had grown at a CAGR of 19.9 in the previous five years. India now the 12th largest holder of US govt bonds Indias holdings of the US government bonds touched a high of 123.7 billion in July, making it the 12th largest holder, US Treasury Department8217s latest data showed. There has been a mixed trend in terms of India8217s holdings of these securities in recent months amid the world8217s largest economy seeing improved growth prospects. In July, China8217s exposure stood at USD 1.22 trillion, followed by Japan with holdings to the tune of USD 1.15 trillion. Latest data available with the US Treasury Department shows that India raised its exposure by little over USD 6 billion to USD 123.7 billion in July. Forex reserves touch record high of 372 billion Indias foreign exchange reserves scaled a new high of USD 371.99 billion, up USD 1.223 billion for the week to September 30. The increase was on account of a USD 1.468-billion surge in the foreign currency assets. Previously, they had touched a high of USD 371.279 billion in the week to September 9. Foreign currency assets which are a major component of the overall reserves surged by USD 1.468 billion to USD 346.71 billion. IMF revises India8217s economic growth upwards to 7.6 for FY17 and 18 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on 4 October raised projections for Indias economic growth by 0.2 percentage points to 7.6 per cent for 2016-17 and 2017-18. The projections came in at a time when the Fund said global economic growth will be subdued this year, following a slowdown in the US and Britains vote to exit the European Union. It, however, retained global economic growth at 3.1 per cent for 2016 and 3.4 percent for 2017. Flipkart becomes 1st e-commerce in India to cross 100 million customers Flipkart has crossed the 100-million registered users mark, becoming the first e-commerce company to hit the milestone in a single country outside the United States and China. The Bengaluru-based company has doubled its user base over the last year. It added 25 million users in the past six months alone. The e-commerce company8217s user-base represented about 63 percent of the total broadband users in the country. SCIENCE amp TECHNOLOGY India completes nuclear triad by commissioning INS Arihant India has completed its nuclear triad by inducting the first indigenously built strategic nuclear submarine INS Arihant into service. With this, India becomes fourth country to have a nuclear triad i. e. capable of delivering nuclear weapons by air-craft, ballistic missiles and submarine launched missiles. Other countries having nuclear triad are Russia, United States and China. INS Arihant was formally commissioned by Navy Chief Admiral Sunil Lanba in August 2016. INS Arihant is nuclear submarine capable of carrying nuclear tipped ballistic missiles. It weighs 6000 tonnes and is 112 metre long. It is powered by 83 MW pressurised light water nuclear reactor with enriched uranium fuel. It will be armed with the K-15 Sagarika missiles with a range of 750 km. China successfully launches its longest ever manned mission to space China has successfully launched longest-ever manned mission by taking two astronauts Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong into the orbit. They were launched on board of Shenzhou-11 (heavenly vessel) spacecraft from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre near the Gobi Desert in northwest China. The spacecraft was put into orbit by a Long March-2F carrier rocket. Both astronauts will spend a month aboard an experimental space laboratory Tiangong-2 (Heavenly Palace 2). IISER researchers use human hair to produce cheaper cathodes for solar cells Researchers from Kolkata based Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) have produced cost-effective, metal-free cathodes using human hair for use in solar cells. This is the first instance where a bio-waste-derived electrode (in this case human hair) has been used as cathode in a quantum dot sensitised solar cell device. IISER researchers have developed graphitic porous carbon cathode by cleaning and drying human hair and treating with sulphuric acid to achieve precarbonisation. It was then heated at different temperatures in the presence of inert gas for six hours to carbonise and bring better electrical conductivity for efficient charge transfer. This efficient green cathode achieves highly catalytic graphitic porous carbon stage at optimum temperature of 850 degrees C. ISRO successfully launches GSAT-18 from Kourou in French Guiana India8217s latest communication satellite, GSAT-18 was inducted into the INSATGSAT system on October 06, 2016 from Kourou, French Guiana by Ariane-5 VA-231. Weighing 3404 kg at lift-off, GSAT-18 carries 48 communication transponders to provide Services in Normal C-band, Upper Extended C-band and Ku-bands of the frequency spectrum. GSAT-18 carries Kuband beacon as well to help in an accurately pointing ground antennas towards the satellite. GSAT-18 is designed to provide continuity of services on operational satellites in C-band, Extended C-band and Ku-bands. GSAT-18 was launched into a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) by Ariane-5 VA-231 launch vehicle. After its injection into GTO, ISRO8217s Master Control Facility (MCF) at Hassan took control of GSAT-18 and performed the initial orbit raising maneuvers using the Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM) of the satellite, placing it in circular Geo-stationary Orbit. The designed in-orbit operational life of GSAT-18 is about 15 years. New species of pika named Ochotona sikimaria discovered in Sikkim Scientists have discovered a new species of Pika, a mammal belonging to the rabbit and hare family in the Himalayas in Sikkim. It has been identified as Ochotona sikimaria. It is quite distinctive from all other pika species based on the fecal pellets and tissue samples. Ochotona sikimaria Pika species looks similar to the Moupin Pika, genetically it is completely different. Their specific differences are not visible in physical observation. But they are genetically very different. Worlds first three-parent baby born in Mexico The worlds first three-parent baby boy was born in Mexico to a Jordanian couple with the help a controversial new fertility technique that incorporates DNA from three people in the embryo. The three-parent technique also known as Mitochondrial donation (Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy) allows parents with rare genetic mutations to have healthy babies. ISRO successfully launches 8 satellites into two different orbits The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for first time has successfully launched eight satellites into two different orbits in a single mission. These satellites were launched onboard of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle C35 (PSLV C35) from the first launch pad of the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikotta. It was PSLVs longest and most complex mission. It is also for the first time PSLV has successfully placed satellites in two different orbits in single mission. Among the eight satellites launched, three satellites were from India, three from Algeria and one each from Canada and United States. SCATSAT-1 satellite of India weighing 371 kg was the primary payload and remaining other seven customer satellites were secondary payloads (5 foreign and 2 domestic satellite) weighing 304 kg in total. Indian Air Force successfully test fires long range air-to-air MICA missile Indian Air Force (IAF) has successfully fired recently acquired long range air-to-air MICA missile from Mirage-2000 Upgrade combat aircraft on a manoeuvring target. During the test, the missile achieved a direct hit on a target which was much smaller than an actual aircraft and flying at a low altitude. With this success IAF has become one of the few air forces in the world that have capability of launching such beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air missile. Sun Pharma signs deal with ICGEB to develop Indias first dengue vaccine Indias largest pharmaceutical company Sun Pharma has signed deal with International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) for clinical development Cissampelos pariera (Cipa), Indias first vaccine (drug) for the treatment of dengue. The partnership between Sun Pharma and ICGEB aims to develop safe, effective and affordable botanical drug Cipa. Under the deal, Sun Pharma will get access to all the intellectual properties (IP) rights of the drug across 17 countries. ICGEB will establish assay systems for the development of Cipa for the treatment of dengue infection. ICGEB had explored Indian traditional medicine, Ayurveda, to identify plants that could be a source of dengue inhibitory activity. Researchers produce carbon from sugarcane waste for use in batteries Researchers from Pune (Maharashtra) have produced high-quality carbon from sugarcane waste within minutes by using a low power microwave system. They had used a simple, cost effective and quick process to convert sugarcane bagasse into anode-grade porous, conducting, activated carbon material for use in Li-ion batteries. They had carried out initial carbonisation overnight at room temperature by mixing bagasse with concen-trated sulphuric acid. The acid treatment had dissolved most of the inorganic impurities present in bagasse except silica. This helped in forming robust carbon double bond backbone structure. The solid product obtained from acid treatment was washed thoroughly and was oven-dried at 70 degree C. Later it was mixed with potassium hydroxide to form slurry. The slurry is then heated in a microwave oven for a few minutes. The heating had led to graphitisation and pores were formed when potassium hydroxide reacts with carbon. Geeta Phogat appointed DSP in Haryana Police Haryana Government has appointed international woman wrestler Geeta Phogat as a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) in Haryana Police. A proposal of the Home Department was approved at a meeting of the state cabinet presided over by Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar. Sanjay Singh appointed Member Secretary, Law Commission Former legislative secretary Sanjay Singh has been appointed as Member Secretary, Law Commission of India. President Pranab Mukherjee has appointed Singh to the post for a period upto August 31, 2018. The tenure of Twenty-first Law Commission, which was constituted on September 1, 2015 is till August 31, 2018. The Law Commission of India is mandated to identify laws which are no longer needed or relevant and can be immediately repealed. Abdelilah Bekirane elected as Prime minister of Morocco Abdelilah Bekirane was re-appointed as the Prime Minister of Morocco for second term. Benkirane has been serving as Prime Minister since November 2011. It was officially announced by Mohammed VI, the king of Morocco after Benkiranes Is-lamic Justice and Development Party (PJD) emerged victorious in recent general election. Now PM Bekirane will now reach out to other parties to form a coalition government as he does not have absolute majority in lower house. Antonio Guterres appointed UN Secretary-General Portugals former Prime Minister Antonio Guterres was on 13 October appointed as the next Secretary-General of the United Nations by the General Assembly. The 193 member states of the General Assembly adopted the resolution by acclamation, appointing 67-year-old Mr. Guterres as the ninth U. N. Secretary-General to take over from Ban Ki-moon, whose tenure will end on December 31, 2016. Mr. Guterres, who was Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002, and the U. N. High Commissioner for Refugees from June 2005 to December 2015, will assume his new role on January 1, 2017 for a five-year term that can be renewed by member states for an additional five years. Mr. Guterres had emerged as the frontrunner in all the six informal polls conducted in the Security Council to select the Secretary-General amid a heightened call by several U. N. member states and civil society organisations to elect a woman chief for the world body, which has had a man at its helm for all the 71 years of its existence. Renu Pall appointed as the next Ambassador of India to Austria Former Indian Foreign Service officer Ms. Renu Pall has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to Austria. It was announced by Ministry of External Affairs. Austria is a German-speaking country in Central Europe, characterized by mountain villages and baroque architecture. Obama nominates ambassador to Cuba The United States President Barack Obama has appointed its first Ambassador Jeffrey DeLaurentis to Cuba in 55 years. The new ambassador DeLaurentis had been working at the new US embassy in Havana, which opened since 2014. Jim Yong Kim re-appointed as World Bank President Jim Yong Kim has been re-appointed as President of World Bank for a second five-year term beginning 1 July 2017. He was unanimously chosen by the Executive Directors of the World Bank. He was the only candidate in a process. Jim Yong Kim is a South Korean-American physician and anthropologist. He is the 12th President of the World Bank and for first time was appointed in 2012. He was a global health leader and was formerly the Chair of Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School. The Forbes Magazine had named him in its list of the worlds 50th most powerful in 2013. Sachin, Amitabh in new Swachh Bharat campaign The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation has launched an ad campaign featuring Amitabh Bachchan and Sachin Tendulkar, for the Swachh Bharat Mission. Under this campaign, three ad films featuring. Visa CEO Charles Scharf to resign The San Francisco-based payments network Visas CEO Charles Scharf had resigned from his post October 18, 2016. The company named Alfred Kelly Jr, a former president of American Express Co and a current Visa board member, as CEO. Usain Bolt to retire after the 2017 World Championships Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt has confirmed that he is going to retire after the 2017 World Championships in London, and also informed that the Racers Grand Prix later this year will be his last race on Jamaican soil. Bolt is expected to feature in both the 100m and 200m events at the 2017 World Championships. Bolt is widely considered as the greatest sprinter of all-time and is the first man to hold both the 100m and 200m records as well as the record being a part of the 4X100m relay. The Jamaican is also the reigning world and Olympic champion. British Olympics icon Jessica Ennis-Hill announces retirement from athletics Jessica Ennis-Hill has announced her retirement from athletics. Ennis-Hill, 30, who won a gold medal for heptathlon at London 2012, hinted after winning silver at Rio 2016 that she could leave the sport, and confirmed her decision on 13 October. Ennis-Hill became the poster girl for London 2012 after her gold medal success in the heptathlon event on 8220Super Saturday8221. She returned to defend her title in Rio this summer but fell just short, finishing in second place behind Nafissatou Thiam of Belgium. The Sheffield-born heptathlete leaves her sport having also won gold medals in two world championships, one world indoor championship and a European championship. Jawhar Sircar resigns as CEO of Prasar Bharati Corporation Prasar Bharati Corporation CEO Jawhar Sircar has resigned four months ahead of the end of his tenure, which was to draw to a close in February 2017. As per rules of the Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Act, 1990, chairman or any other member may resign the office by giving notice thereof in writing to the President of India and on such resignation being accepted, the chairman or other member shall be deemed to have vacated his office. Govt removes Sushil Muhnot as CMD of Bank of Maharashtra The Centre on 26 September has sacked Sushil Muhnot, chairman and managing director of Pune-based Bank of Maharashtra, four days short of his scheduled retirement, and appointed Ravindra Marathe as the state-owned lenders new chief. Mr. Muhnot was appointed as the chairman of the bank in November 2013, and was scheduled to retire on September 30. The new chief executive officer Mr. Marathe, who was an executive director with Bank of India, took charge on 26 September. The head office of Bank of Maharashtra is in Pune. Ritu Rani retires from international hockey Former Indian womens hockey captain Ritu Rani has retired from international hockey after being deeply hurt following her axing from the Rio Olympics-bound squad. Ritu was controversially dropped from the team for the Rio Olympics citing attitude issues. Under her captaincy the team qualified for the Olympics after 36 years after finishing fifth in the 2014-15 Women8217s FIH Hockey World League Semifinals. The 24-year-old midfielder made the announcement in a mail to Hockey India president Narinder Batra. King of Thailand dies Thailand8217s King Bhumibol Adulyadej 8211 the world8217s longest-serving monarch 8211 has died aged 88. King Bhumibol, the ninth king of the 234-year-old Chakri dynasty. After the demise of the Thai King, 63-year old Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn is expected to become the new king. Dario Fo, Nobel-winning playwright, dies aged 90 Italian satirical dramatist Dario Fo, who won the Nobel prize for literature in 1997, died on 13 October aged 90, prompting an outpouring of tributes for a provocative playwright unafraid to clash with authority. The writer and actor succumbed to complications arising from a lung condition he had suffered for several years. Left-winger Fo, one of the leading figures in 20th century farce and political theatre, was best known for his works 8220Accidental Death of an Anarchist8221 and 8220Can8217t Pay, Won8217t Pay8221. Style icon Parmeshwar Godrej passes away at 70 Parmeshwar Godrej, philanthropist and wife of Godrej group chairman Adi Godrej passed away in Mumbai on October 11 2016. She was 70. She was among India8217s foremost style icons and a gracious host. She was Mumbai8217s original queen bee and will be fondly remembered by many as a style icon in her signature beret, who hosted some of Mumbai8217s most memorable evenings peppered with a globally eclectic guest list 8211 including businesspersons, Hollywood actors and beautiful people 8211 with an ease which no one has since been able to match. Godrej used her position and natural charm to champion many social causes. She campaigned for AIDS at a time when people were still embarrassed to talk about it. One of her biggest initiatives in philanthropy was joining hands with actor Richard Gere, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative to combat AIDS through the launch of the 8216Heroes Project8217 in 2004. Oscar-winning Polish film director Wajda dies aged 90 Oscar-winning Film director Andrzej Wajda, best known for chronicling Poland8217s struggle for democracy during half a century of communist rule, has died at the age of 90. One of his best-known releases, 1957s Canal, showed the struggle of the Polish underground army in the Warsaw uprising. Former boxing champion Aaron Pryor dies at 60 Aaron Pryor, whose erratic swings and stances won him the world junior welterweight boxing championship but also mirrored a career-ending struggle with cocaine addiction, died on 9 October at his home in Cincinnati. He was 60. The cause was complications of heart disease. Pryor built a 39-1 record with 35 knockouts during his career. Shimon Peres, former Israeli president, dies aged 93 The former Israel8217s defining political figures and a Nobel peace prize laureate, Shimon Peres has died at the age of 93. He had served twice as a prime minister and once as a president. Golf legend Arnold Palmer passes away US golfer Arnold Palmer passed away on 25 September 2016 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania due to heart complications. He was 87. Palmer is generally regarded as one of the greatest players in professional golf history. Oscar-winning writer and director dies at 71 Oscar-winning writer and film director Curtis Hanson has died at his home in Hollywood at the age of 71. He is known for his work in films like Kevin Spacey-starrer LA Confidential, The Hand That Rocks the Cradle and The River Wild. Hanson won an Oscar in 1998 for best adapted screenplay for LA Confidential. He also directed Detroit hip-hop movie 8 Mile starring Eminem, who led the tributes. India, Singapore sign three agreements 8220India and Singapore have signed three agreements (MoUs) in the fields of skill development and IPR to boost bilateral relations between them. These agreements were signed in New Delhi during Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loongs official state visit to India. 1. Signed MoUs are:MoU in the field of Industrial Property Cooperation 2. MoU on collaboration in the field of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (between National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and ITEES Singapore). 3. MoU on collaboration in the field of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (between Government of Assam and ITEES Singapore). Abu Dhabi Crown Prince to be Chief Guest on 2017 Republic Day The crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan will be the chief guest for the 68th Republic Day celebrations on 26 January 2017. In this regard, announcement was made the by Union Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Spokesman Vikas Swarup in New Delhi after the crown prince accepted invitation. Earlier Chief guests of Republic Day parades: 2016- Francois Hollande (French President), 2015-Barack Obama (US President), 2014- Shinzo Abe (Japanese Prime Minister), 2013- Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck (King of Bhutan), 2012- Yingluck Shinawatra (Then Prime Minister of Thailand), 2011- Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Then President of Indonesia). It should be noted France holds distinction of being the guest of honour for the maximum five times of Indian Republic Day parade followed by Bhutan (four times) Mauritius and Russia (three times each). Mizoram8217s Pachuau declared India8217s oldest working journalist The Mizoram government and the Mizoram Journalists8217 Association declared Lalbiakthanga Pachuau as the 8220oldest working journalist in the country8221. The 90-year-old former soldier is the editor of 8216Zoram Tlangau8217, a Mizo daily, started by him in 1970. Notably, Pachuau studied only till class III before joining the British Army in 1945 at the age of 18. Bathukamma Event Enters Guinness Book of World Records The Telangana government on 8 October organised the traditional state festival of 8216Bathukamma8217 on a grand scale at the Lal Bahadur stadium in Hyderabad. The event, attended by about ten thousand women, found a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. The Telangana government has declared 8216Bathukamma8217 as a state festival. Worlds largest radio telescope built in China China has built worlds largest radio telescope nicknamed Tianyan (Heavenly Eye or The Eye of Heaven) or the five-hundred-metre aperture spherical radio telescope (FAST). It has started its operation and is part of Chinas drive to become a science powerhouse. It is located in the Dawodang depression (vast natural crater), a natural basin in Pingtang County in the Guizhou Province, Southwest China. With its opening, the intensive testing phase of the telescope will begin. It is the worlds largest filled aperture (single dish) radio telescope and the second largest radio telescope after the Russian RATAN-600, which has a sparsely filled aperture. It is made up of 4,450 panels and has reflector as large as 30 football pitches. It has 500 meters diameter, giving it more sensitivity. Visaranai to take a shot at Oscar nomination Visaranai, the Tamil docu-drama crime thriller, has been chosen Indias official entry to Best Foreign Language Film category at the 89th Academy Awards to be held in 2017. The national award-winning film, directed by Vetrimaran, and produced by actor Dhanushs Wunderbar Films, documents four migrant workers who suffer police brutality and corruption after being jailed on false charges. Brazil opens Latin America8217s first elephant sanctuary The first elephant sanctuary in Latin America has opened in Brazil to provide a home for an estimated 50 circus animals from across the region. Guida and Maia, both over 40 years old, are the first residents. They will be provided with veterinary care and live out their lives in forested areas with pastures. A US-based group bought the land to give the elephants a refuge as zoos in the region close and more laws prohibit the use of animals in circuses. Both elephants are thought to have come from Thailand, where they were illegally taken to be used in circus. The first phase of the project will host up to six animals. The sanctuary will not be open for visitors. Powerful typhoon Chaba to hit Japan Powerful typhoon Chaba barrelled toward Japan after it hit a South Korean resort island causing flight cancellations and flooding streets. The typhoon hit the South Korean resort is-land of Jeju, bringing heavy rains that flooded streets, forced flight cancellations and disrupted power to thousands of homes. Venkaiah Naidu releases book titled Modis Midas Touch in Foreign Policy M. Venkaiah Naidu, Minister for Information and Broad-casting, released the book titled Modis Midas Touch in Foreign Policy. The book is authored by Ambassador Surendra Kumar. The book draws round the progress and the indelible imprint on the conduct of Indias Foreign Policy by the Prime Minister Modi in the last two and a half years. It maps the different policy initiatives focusing on the vision of developing India into a strong economically developed nation. Arundhati Roys next novel to be out in 2017 Nearly, 20 years after Arundhati Roy8217s Booker prize-winning novel 8216The God of Small Things8217 was published. Arundhati Roy has announced the release of her next novel titled 8220The Ministry of Utmost Happiness8221 in June 2017. She was born in Shillong, Meghalaya. President, PM launch VP8217s book titled 8220Citizen and Society8221 President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched Vice President Mohd Hamid Ansari8217s book titled 8220Citizen and Society8221 at the Rashtrapati Bhawan in New Delhi. The book is a collection of lectures delivered by Hamid Ansari ranging from the role of women in a multicultural society to other dynamics of a democratic nation. Mohammad Hamid Ansari is the 12th and current Vice President of India, in office since 2007. Ansari is the only person to get re-elected for the post of Vice President of India after Dr. Radhakrishnan. Saraswati River existed: KS Valdiya committee 8220The K. S. Valdiya committee in its report submitted to the Union Water Resources Ministry has concluded that Saraswati River so far considered mythical, existed. The committee comprising of geologists, archaeologists and hydrologists say that they have found evidence of the course of the river Saraswati. Earlier, River Saraswati was considered as a mythological river and has been mentioned in the ancient Hindu scriptures like the Rig Veda, Ramayana, Mahabharata and others giving credence that it existed during those times. Committee found that Saraswati River originated in the Himalayas. It was approximately 4,000 km in length and flowed through saraswatiriver India and Pakistan before meeting Arabian Sea through Rann of Kutch. Two-third stretch of river measuring nearly 3000 km in length fell in India and reaming one-third of the river stretch fell in present-day Pakistan. The river had two branches viz. (i) Western Branch: It represented by the Himalayan-born Satluj River of the past which flowed through the channels of present-day Ghaggar-Patialiwali rivulets. (ii) Eastern Branch: Palaeochannels (remnants of defunct rivers) Sarsuti-Markanda rivulets in Haryana were courses of eastern branch of river, known as Tons-Yamuna. The confluence of the branches was near Shatrana, 25 km south of Patiala. From this confluence point river flow crossed dessert (Rann of Kutch) and meet gulf of western sea.8221 BCCI president Anurag Thakur part of powerful ICC sub-committee BCCI president Anurag Thakur has taken charge as the member of the ICCs powerful Finance and Commercial Affairs committee. Anurag Singh Thakur is a member of Lok Sabha from Hamirpur in Himachal Pradesh. Finance Ministry constitutes committee to consolidate regulation of pension products The Union Finance Ministry has constituted a high-level committee to consolidate the regulation of pension products that is currently being done by three different watchdogs including insurance and stock market regulators. The committee would have representatives from all financial sector regulators SEBI, IRDA, RBI and PFRDA. Its mandate will be to look into the issue of bringing these companies which are offering pension plans under different regulators under the purview of PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority). IMPORTANT DAYS amp DATES 17 October: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is observed globally on 17 October for eradication of poverty through-out the world. It seeks to promote awareness among people to eradicate poverty and destitution around the world particularly in developing countries. 2016 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Theme is Moving from humiliation and exclusion to participation: Ending poverty in all its forms. It high-lights importance to recognize and address the humiliation and exclusion suffered by many people living in poverty. 16 October: World Food Day The World Food Day is observed globally on 16 October to mark foundation of Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations in 1945. It aims to raise public awareness about hunger challenges and encourage people around the world to take action in the fight against hunger. The theme of this year is Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too. It highlights the issue of food security related to climate change. It calls adopting sustainable practices for growing more food with less area of land and use natural resources wisely. International Day of Rural Women: October 15 The International Day of Rural Women is observed across the world on 15 October. The theme for the day for the year 2016 is Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too. Under the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, focus is on progress of rural women and enhancing their access to support and information they need to utilize their potential without leaving their communities. World Student Day: October 15 Unarguably the most loved President of India, APJ Abdul Kalam was a scientist who made India proud with his missile defence programme. But his favourite job was teaching and thats how he wanted the world to remember him. Due to his love for students and focus on promoting education, the United Nations declared his birthday 15 October as World Students Day in 2010. He was the 11th President of India. World Standards Day: 14 October World Standards Day8217 or 8216International standards day8217 is celebrated internationally each year on 14 October. The day honours the efforts of the thousands of experts who develop voluntary standards within standards development organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The aim of World Standards Day is to raise awareness among regulators, industry and consumers as to the importance of standardization to the global economy. 14 October was specifically chosen to mark the date, in 1946, when delegates from 25 countries first gathered in London and decided to create an international organization focused on facilitating standardization. Even though ISO was formed one year later, it wasn8217t until 1970 that the first World Standards Day was celebrated. The theme for World Standards Day 2016 is Standards Build Trust8221. Around the globe, various activities are chosen by national bodies to commemorate the date. International Day for Disaster Reduction: October 13 The United Nations General Assembly declared October 13 as the International Day for Disaster Reduction which is also a part of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. In the year 2002, the United Nations General Assembly declared the day to encourage the global culture of natural disaster reduction, promoting prevention, mitigation and pre-paredness. In 2009, October 13 was designated as the official date and the name of the day was changed to International Day for Disaster Reduction. International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction was observed in 1990s. This was done with an objective to decrease the loss of life, property, destruction and any kind of disruption caused by natural disasters. The day is celebrated to spread awareness and encourage citizens and the government about disaster risk reduction and building disaster - resilient nations. This year, the theme for the day is 8216Live To Tell: Raising Awareness, Reducing Mortality8217. First World Tsunami Awareness Day to be observed on Nov 5 The government of India will be observing the First World Tsunami Awareness Day on November 5. It will be observed during the upcoming Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) 2016. The conference is slated to take place in Delhi between November 2-5. International Day of the Girl Child. 11 October International Day of the Girl is observed annually on 11 October it is also called the Day of the Girl. The theme for this year8217s International Day of the Girl (11 October) is 8220Girls8217 Progress Goals8217 Progress: What Counts for Girls8221. On December 19, 2011, United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66 170 to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child, to recognize girls rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. The International Day of the Girl Child focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights. World Mental Health Day: 10 October World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in sup-port of mental health. The theme of 2016 World Mental Health Day is psychological first aid. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide. World Post Day: 9th October World Post Day is celebrated each year on 9 October, the anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in 1874 in the Swiss Capital, Bern. The theme for this year 2016 is Innovation, Integration and Inclusion. Indian Air Force Day: 8 October The Air Force Day is observed annually on 8 October across India. This year is the 84th celebration of the Day which began in 1932. On this day, the most renowned aerobatics display teams, Red Arrows of the Royal Air Force, enthral audience at Indian Air Force Day celebrations in New Delhi. The Indian Air Force (IAF IAST: Bharatiya Vayu Sena) is the air arm of the Indian armed forces. It is the world8217s fourth largest air force. Since independence, the IAF has been involved in four wars with neighbouring Pakistan and one with the People8217s Republic of China. Other major operations undertaken by the IAF include Operation Vijay, Operation Meghdoot, Operation Cactus and Operation Poomalai. Apart from conflicts, the IAF has been an active participant in United Nations peacekeeping missions. The President of India serves as Supreme Commander of the IAF. The Chief of Air Staff, an Air Chief Marshal, is a four-star officer and commands the Air Force. 5 October: World Teachers Day The World Teachers Day (WTD) 2016 was observed across the world on 5 October 2016. The theme for the World Teachers Day 2016 was Valuing Teachers, Improving their Status. It embodies the fundamental principles of the fifty-year-old Recommendation. It also throws light on the need to support teachers as reflected in the agendas Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2016 WTD also marks the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. It is also the first world Teachers Day to be celebrated within the new Global Education 2030 Agenda adopted by the world community in 2015. 410 October: World Space Week World Space Week is an annual event that is observed from 4 October to 10 October 2016 in various parts of the world including Europe and Asia. The 2016 theme is 8220Remote Sensing: Enabling our Future8221. This years theme celebrates Earth Observation from Space for the betterment of the human race. By Resolution 5468 of 6 December 1999, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed World Space Week, to celebrate the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition. The dates recall the launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik I, on 4 October 1957 and its entry into force on 10 October 1967, of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. 3 October: World Habitat Day The World Habitat Day (WHD) is observed every year on the first Monday of October throughout the world. This year it was observed on 3 October 2016. 2016 Theme is Housing at the Centre. It aims to raise awareness about need for affordable housing for all in urban areas, cities and towns. Access to adequate housing is a global challenge due growing fast with urbanization. Around one quarter of the worlds urban population continues to live in informal settlements and slums. An increasing number of urban dwellers, especially the poor and vulnerable groups are living in precarious conditions. International day for non violence: 2nd October The International Day of Non-Violence is marked on 2 October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. According to General Assembly resolution ARES61271 of 15 June 2007, which established the commemoration, the International Day is an occasion to 8220dis-seminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness8221. 1 October: International Day of Older Persons The International Day of Older Persons is observed on October 1 every year. The theme for International Day of Older Persons 2016 is Take A Stand Against Ageism. The theme for the 2016 IDOP draws attention to and challenges negative stereotypes and misconceptions about older persons and ageing. Ageism is a widely prevalent and prejudicial attitude that stems from the assumption that age discrimination, and sometimes neglect and abuse of older persons is a social norm and therefore, acceptable. On December 14, 1990 the United Nations General Assembly voted to establish October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons. International Translation Day: 30 September The International Translation Day is being observed today on 30 September across the world with the theme 8220Translation and Interpreting: Connecting Worlds8221. This is the annual event for the translation community and event is marked with a series of dedicated events, seminars and symposiums across the world. Established by the International Federation of Translators (FIT), the annual celebration of the International Translation Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to the work of translators who endeavor to make the world a slightly smaller place by breaking down language barriers. World Maritime Day: 29 September The World Maritime Day is observed across the world on 29 September to highlight the importance of shipping safety, maritime security and the marine environment. Several events are organised to mark this day by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), member Governments, maritime industry etc. World Maritime Day 2016 Theme is Shipping: indispensable to the world. The theme focuses on the critical link between shipping and global society. It also raises awareness of the relevance of the role of IMO as the global regulatory body for international shipping. According to UNCTAD, around 80 of global trade by volume and over 70 of global trade by value are carried by sea and are handled by ports worldwide. World Heart Day: 29 September World Heart Day is being observed annually on 29 September across the world. The objective of this day is to inform people around the world about the danger of heart disease and stroke. The World Heart Day 2016 theme is 8216Light Your Heart, Empower Your Life8217. World Rabies Day: 28th September The World Rabies Day is observed on 28 September across the world to raise awareness about the rabies disease and its preventable measures. Observance of the day seeks to raise awareness about the impact of rabies on animals and human beings. It also seeks to share information on how to prevent the disease. Theme of 2016 World Rabies Day is Rabies: Educate. Vaccinate. Eliminate. The World Rabies Day is an initiative of Global Alliance for Rabies Control. Observance of the day was initiated in 2007 to create a global opportunity for people to focus on rabies prevention. The day is annually on 28 September on the death anniversary of Louis Pasteur, a French chemist and microbiologist who had developed the first rabies vaccine along with his colleagues. World Tourism Day: 27 September The World Tourism Day (WTD) is being observed annually on 27th September. Since 1980, the United Nations World Tourism Organization has celebrated World Tourism Day on September 27. This date was chosen as on that day in 1970, the Statutes of the UNWTO were adopted. The adoption of these Statutes is considered a milestone in global tourism. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness on the role of tourism within the international community and to demonstrate how it affects social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide. Theme for World Tourism Day is 8211 8216Tourism for all promoting universal accessibility8217. 21 September: International Day of Peace The International Day of Peace is observed across the world on 21 September every year to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Significance: The International Day of Peace acknowledges the efforts of those who have strived to end conflict and promote peace. This day is also observed as a day of ceasefire. The theme for International Day of Peace 2016 is The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace. To inaugurate the day, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rung the United Nations Peace Bell at UN Headquarters in New York City. The bell has inscription on its side reading Long live absolute world peace. The bell has been casted from coins donated by children from all continents except Africa. It was given as gift from the United Nations Association of Japan as a reminder of the human cost of war. Other articles you might be interested in:
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